Saturday, January 31, 2009

My new Prescription for Attention Deficit Disorder ~ Inattentive

Yes, I'm putting "Attention Deficit Disorder" in my titles for now so that I might generate some traffic for those looking for info on the disorder.

So, I went to my dr. appt on Thurs and she didn't realize I wasn't already on the Adderall XR. Of course, when you only see someone a few times a year, I'm sure it's hard to keep track. She gave me my new prescription.

I dropped it off at the pharmacy & picked it up yesterday. Well, let me tell you there was definitely sticker shock! My generic version of Adderall 20mg only cost approx $35 for an entire month. Adderall XR has no generic form so it cost about $215!!! Holy moly Rocky! I'll see how things go when I take it to decide if it's financially worth staying on it.

We've recently switched insurance providers. Of course, there's always an upside & downside to change. The upside is that we don't have to pay the full amount at the time of purchase. We'd then turn in our copy of our payment to the insurance company, who in turn would reimburse us at 90%. With the new insurer, there's a $25 copay. I wonder if that's for every prescription across the board. I don't recall that specific number anywhere in the paperwork.

So, instead of paying $3 in the end with our old insurance with the regular Adderall, now I'll be paying $25 if I go back on it.

Now for the XR, I haven't taken it. I was going to take it today, but then forgot it at home when I left for my son's basketball game. I didn't want to take it late into the day because I thought if I took it too late I might not sleep well tonight. Can you tell I'm a bit apprehensive?

I wonder if I'll respond differently even tho it's basically the same medication. I guess I'll wait until Tuesday to try it out for the first time. Why wait until then? Well, it's already 2pm. I'll take 1/2 of my Adderall that I still have left to get me through work tonight. Tomorrow is Sunday and I never take my Adderall on my days of. So, that line of thinking will take me through Monday. Tuesday is a day shift at work and I'll try it then earlier in the day than now.

I pray to God it does as it says and gets me through the early evening hours. I may take it closer to 10-11am. I've also been considering taking it on Monday just to see how my body reacts and just deal with it at home. Seriously, I don't want to act out of character at work if it really clears up my thinking!

I'll post as soon as I take it for the first time and let everyone know what it was like.


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